Pressure Fluid Extractor

Pressurized fluid extraction (PFE) is one of several sample preparation methods that can be used to extract targeted analyzes from a sample matrix into a solvent, to permit subsequent analysis.

By pressurizing the extraction solvent, liquid extraction can be carried out at a temperature higher than the boiling point of the solvent, thus improving the extraction capacity and efficiency and resulting in a more accurate and precise value of lipid content.

Which extractor is used in liquid liquid extraction?
Liquid-Liquid extraction is a method by which a compound is pulled from solvent A to solvent B where solvents A and B are not miscible. The most common method of liquid-liquid extraction is performed using a separator funnel.



Extraction of organic compounds from complex matrices is commonly seen as a challenging problem in sample preparation. Analyses of interest such as poly-cyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) can have strong absorption with sample matrix, can cause failure in conventional liquid extraction. And conventional liquid extraction methods such as Soxhlet extraction have large solvent consumption and long extraction time, consequently low efficiency became a common issues to lab technicians. Based on these above, TR-PFE 6 Ch is  high-throughput pressurized fluid extractor can raise the boiling point of solvents using high pressure. With high temperature, solubility and diffusivity of target compounds are increased substantially, to reduce extraction time to 15-30 minutes from more than 10 hours and decrease solvent consumption
to 20-50mL from 200mL,therefore to boost efficiency and lower cost.

The Highest Throughput  / 6 samples simultaneously at one run / Over 96 samples per day per TR-PFE

Good Compatibility
·Available for 4 types of solvents, can dispense and mix in any ratio.
·Range of extraction cells: 11 – 120mL.
·Range of collection tubes: 60 – 240mL, compatible to concentration module.
·Can apply to any extraction from solid or semi-solid matrices.

Smart Software
·Simple method editing, programmed run.
·Intuitive interface, ONE touch to process.
·10-inch built-in touch screen, space saver.

Safe Protection
·Protection measures for over pressurized and heated as well as leakages.
·Compact structure, sealed design, with active exhaust system.
·Full log records and monitoring, alarm reminder for any method errors.


Environment: soil/hazardous residues and pesticides in solid waste/herbicides
Food: pesticide residues in food/food additives
Agriculture: pesticide residues in crops/extracted seed oil
Others: polymers, medicines, petrochemicals.


  • Determination of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs) and polychlorinated dibenzo-p-furans (PCDFs) Isotope
    dilution HRGC-HRMS
  • Waste solid – Extraction of organic compounds – Pressurized fluid Extraction (PFE)
  • Soil and sediment – Extraction of organic compounds – Pressurized fluid extraction (PFE)
  • Determination of pesticides residues in tea – GC/MS method
  • Determination of 475 pesticides and related chemicals resides in grains Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
  • Determination of ginsenosides in ginseng – LC-UV method
  • ASTM D7567-2009 Standard test method for determine gel content in cross-linked ethylene plastics using pressurized
    liquid extraction

Organic Sample Preparation Solution

Automation solution for organic sample preparation consists of a series Our  automated products, can be applied to large variety of detection’s, and ultimately build a high-efficient, safe and fully automated laboratory, and work in unattended environment.


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