External keypad
It is possible external keypad to be connected to the device, using special cable to the serial printer connector.
With the external keypad 4 digit identification number of the milk deliverer may be entered (from 1 to 9999) and quantity of delivered milk in liters (from 0,1 to 9999.9) (accurateness up to 0.1 l).
For printing out the measurement results, a serial printer could be connected to the Lactoscan milk analyser. The interface connector for the printer is on the rear panel of the device. The printer should be connected to the “12 V printer output” on the device rear panel. It is connected via cables, delivered by the company-producer. If the printer is connected directly to the network, then the analyzer and the printer should be connected to one and the same electrical phase.
Exchange parameters: 9600 bps, No parity, 8 bits, 1 stop bit. It’s one way exchange (uses one line) – the analyzer only sends and the printer only accepts data.
For easy transportation of S and SA models.
Weight Scales-Integrated weight scales for up to 150 kg could be connected towards the milk analyser, which to be used for weighting the delivered milk before measuring its parameters.
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